Country: Japan Genre: yakuza, life, family, Format: movie
Cast: Kanjani∞ (Yokoyama You, Nishikido Ryo, Shibutani Subaru, Yasuda Shota, Murakami Shingo, Maruyama Ryuhei, Ohkura Tadayoshi) Synopsis: 7 hitmen (Jacky, Johnny, Gum, Ace, Arsenal, Toppo,Mac) with a similar background are like brothers to each other. On one day a woman leaves her baby to them to protect him. But hitmen, who are used to "get rid of" annoying officials, have heart for that baby and decide to keep him with them until they find his mother. Rating: 3/5
So cute!! It was made after the movie "3 men and a baby" and actually is a promotional movie for Kanjani∞' same named album. (Kanjani∞ is a Japanese band under Johnny's Entertainment). All soundtracks are from that album.
The story was cute, but some of the scenes where just too epic xD Kanjani looked pretty nice as hitmen.
My favorite characters were Johnny, Gum, Toppo and Ace. They were so overwhelmed by the baby. It is said that all babies are made with the same proportions - big head (compared to body), chubby, helpless - and it is all to bring up motherly feelings in grown ups. That's why everybody find babies cute. And all women find cute men, who know how to handle with babies, even if it is not their. (Yeah.. the movie got 3 stars just for the cuteness...) Mostly the story is about their feelings toward the baby (They name him Eito, because he is the 8 member of them), which brings up hesitations in some of them etc.
It is a great movie for new Kanjani∞'s fans to learn their names and faces.. oke you must know it before who plays what character.
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