
Friday, November 21, 2014

My name is Love (2012)

Country: Thai
Format: movie
Genre: love, youth, romance
Cast: Arak Amornsupasiri, Bo Tunyasupong, Fay Jirapapra Marayat, Jazz Chuancheun, Khom Chuan Chuen, Thunyasupan Jirapreechanon, Peerawat Herabat, Pongpitch Preechaborisuthikul,
Synopsis: When Q was teenager he was the most popular guy in the school, his beauty was outrageous and everybody just loved him, but his narcissistic view made him also rude to others and so years later he finds himself working under the guy he humiliated in front of all school and in love with his neighbor whose heart he once broke.  
Rating: 4/5
This movie explains a lot why some couples that should happen never find each other as so many people seem to be with wrong partners. It is all cupids messing up!! and it teaches a lot also about karma - be kind to others or in years you will have everything done back in double.

Q can be called a bastard. He keeps giving Ker bad time with everything, because with years he has started to love her more and more - who would have guessed that a fatty like she can grow up like that. The bad thing is that just as soon as he finally decides to say his feelings out, he has already made a contract to become Cupid and his lips say all other things than the words that he wants to say. You can see that everything that Q once had in his life is now all gone and pretty much he is just a big loser now. I wnjoyed watching how Q actually started to see things in a different way after all this experience. I was annoyed by the long hair because it was always so messed up. I think this long hair are only hot, when they are tied together. 
Once fatty girl Ker is having now everything that a girl could dream - her beauty is stunning, she is talented, she is nice and has so many admirers, yet there is Q who keeps disturbing her in her everyday life. Of course the fact that Q is messing with her annoys and confuses her, because deep in her heart she remembers the pain how Q broke her heart. I also think that this same thing has become her engine to keep going and getting better. (At least for me it always is).
Big has a huge trauma because of Q and he makes sure that he can have his revenge on Q. Somethings are meant to be and some things not. From this awkward nerd once in a pond with turtle in his hands has grown masculine and very successful man who would sweep any women off her feet. I know that i would prefer him over any guy at any moment or maybe it is because of the actor.. I thought how I know Peerawat Herabat, but now I remembered that he acted in "First love ~ Little crazy thing called love", so having a crush here. Big takes things seriously while having everything thought out, but the thing that he cannot change is someone else feelings. I really enjoyed scenes with him, because you can see how bad he wants to take a revenge on Q in every possible thing he can use for it.
One of my favorite characters is Jo. He is big playboy most of the time, but as soon as Mew is close, he is the worst guy in room. Without understanding it himself, he gets so nervous around her, that causes Jo and Mew argue every time they see each other. Also he is the most pathetic character as he does not know how to handle the situation and then makes really bad choices. Of course being honest would help him a lot. Mew is the coworker of Q and Jo. She most of the time is harsh and argues with Jo, but otherwise she is really sweet. You can see that there is something more in her eyes when she is saying bad things to Jo. Sadly, she cannot wait til forever and her life moves on, when Jo is just telling that he is making a fool out of her all the time. Fay Jirapapra Marayat made her debut with this movie. She is so beautiful and I loved her in this movie. She reminds me of one American actress, but I do not remember who.
Other Cupids have their own problems to solve. I love to see how they mess up sometimes and make things that should not have happened. That's why there are couples that make you wonder how they got together and why?
I think saying "I love you" is really underrated. People either say it too easily or do not say it enough. So that's why it is a nice point in the movie that what would happen if you would like to say it, but you cannot anymore. Of course in the movie with is because of the magic, but let's take a situation were there is no other one anymore to tell it. What would you do? Scream in your head and know that he/she cannot hear it? You all know that you would feel so depressed and sad that you do not want to live.
That brings us to the question why it is so important to say "I love you" at all? Without directly telling how you feel, how much you care and how important that person is to you, they will never know. It is all in the movie said, that some actions might be confusing and some words are even more confusing, but everything will make sense once the actions and words accord to each other.
It is really good movie and I enjoyed it very much. I can say that even people with broken hearts find something appealing to themselves in the movie (talking about myself)

SPOILER-review: I was actually surprised by this movie. Especially the ending, because they turned things around twice and I did not expect this to happen. It was really nice and I feel that actually this all worked out for everyone really really well.

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