I am sorry to announce that I have made a decision to officially close Cypsis' Blog.

All the reviews stay up as they are, but I will not write more reviews. Cypsis' Blog had many ups-and-downs during those 7 years and I have tried to give the best I could, but unfortunately my life has moved on so much that finding time for reviewing has become more and more difficult. Closing the blog is breaking my heart, but I have thought a lot about it and understood that it is for the best. I am very thankful to everybody who have enjoyed reading my reviews.
(PS. I am still continuing to watch Asian dramas and you can always find me on

Thank you for all these 7 years. I hope that those 240 reviews made you happy. I truly had unforgettable time writing them!

Sincerely, Cypsis

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Yonimo Kimyona Monogatari: Imakiyo-san (2006)

Country: Japan
Genre: surreal, horror
Format: part of Yonimo Kimyona Monogatari series
Cast: Matsumoto Jun, Takahashi Mai, Sakai Toshiya, Kitamura Eiki
Synopsis: It is an old legend that a ghost named Imakiyo-san might visit lonely and sad people. If you obey the 4 rules he might bring you happiness. If you do not, something bad might happen.
Rating: 2/5
It is sooooooooo spooooooooooky!!!! I had a nightmare after watching it.... O.o and it was sad too, because I did not know what really happened to Kazuo. As it is  "Yonimo kimyona monogatari" then you really do not know the real end or the other reasons of something, like why they broke up etc. And it is still so spoooky.
I must say that Matsumoto Jun's acting is great, that nervous feeling is great and it is so sad how he broke all the rules without noticing it before it was to late. I think that I would move out quietly at the first place xD but I am afraid that it would not make things better.

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