I am sorry to announce that I have made a decision to officially close Cypsis' Blog.

All the reviews stay up as they are, but I will not write more reviews. Cypsis' Blog had many ups-and-downs during those 7 years and I have tried to give the best I could, but unfortunately my life has moved on so much that finding time for reviewing has become more and more difficult. Closing the blog is breaking my heart, but I have thought a lot about it and understood that it is for the best. I am very thankful to everybody who have enjoyed reading my reviews.
(PS. I am still continuing to watch Asian dramas and you can always find me on

Thank you for all these 7 years. I hope that those 240 reviews made you happy. I truly had unforgettable time writing them!

Sincerely, Cypsis

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Yonimo Kimyona Monogatari: Sainoudama (2007)

Also known as: "Talentball"
Country: Japan
Genre: surreal
Format: part of Yonimo Kimyona Monogatari series
Cast: Sakurai Sho, ( Hirayama Aya??)
Synopsis: Masakazu is aiming to become a musician, but he is lack of talent. He discovers talent balls - 3 lollipops, which will relieve unknown talents.
Rating: 1/5
 Song is really catchy. "Ore no peppin' gaaaru..." It is so funny when they put professional singers to non-singers (Sakurai Sho is a singer in ARASHI), because like they say at the start of the movie "They are horrible!". I would never stand to listen that song forever. Sakurai Sho was amazing in it. Really well played character. If I start to think, then the movie was so sad, because it was like a war (not a fight) against fate. No matter what he did, it did not give any great result (except the end), that´s why I liked that he, Masakazu turned everything for good at last.
As all Yonimo Kimyona Monogatari series it has a really unpredictable ending, but if I compare it to "Kino Koen" and "Law of recycling suicides", then it was not that great at all. it was more like "I have 20 minutes free time and I am in a mood for anything" watching. It is not very intresting or amusing.
I do not know the name of the actress, so I would be grateful if someone tells me. I know that I have seen her before too, but cannot recall it. Am I right if it is Hirayama Aya?

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